People Strategies

Learning & Development

Organizations must provide the opportunity for employees to grow in areas that support their career goals and passions. Creating a skilled workforce not only increases individual engagement, but also enhances an organization’s capabilities and leads to improvement of the bottom line.  

Giving employees an opportunity to grow increases motivation and engagement.

A successful Learning & Development program is tailored to the organization’s unique goals and culture; it focuses on building knowledge and provides continuous learning opportunities for employees. In addition, a complete program uses a variety of learning mechanisms customized to the workforce and produces measurable results.

Organizations that provide this broad view of Learning & Development can improve both employees’ productivity and fulfillment. That’s good for everyone: customers, shareholders, suppliers, and employees.

Learning & Development Framework

Our Learning & Development Framework shows a continuum of learning, based on activities people do while learning: from reading, listening, watching, and discussing, to doing, advancing the craft, and giving back. The far-left of the continuum takes place in a relatively safe formal learning environment. The vast majority of learning comes from the middle of the continuum, which involves experiential and on-the-job activities where most experimenting and accountability starts to take hold. At the far-right side of the continuum, learners take on more accountability as they progress toward mastery. 
