Jabian’s Charlotte office proudly joined forces with Apparo to empower nonprofits through technology.

Apparo facilitated a project between Jabian and Girl Scouts Hornets’ Nest Council to develop a Business Process Landscape. Senior Manager, Will Funderburg, led the effort and successfully helped the GSHNC Board and senior staff to have a detailed understanding of business process across all departments. The assessment provided a high-level picture of where opportunities for technology to improve efficiencies and allowed them to create an RFP for technology support for the agency.

“I’m so thankful to Jabian and Apparo for helping our council! They were instrumental in defining the case, giving me the resources to support this, and providing me with subject matter expertise,” said Angela Woods, CEO of the Council. “Thanks to you, we had a robust RFP process and selected a  vendor that has been fantastic. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Charlotte Executive Director, Courtney Ramey, also serves as an Apparo Board Member.


About Apparo

Apparo, formerly NPower Charlotte Region, is a 501(c)2 nonprofit organization that empowers nonprofits through technology that enhances their missions. As a trusted partner and hub for information technology needs, Apparo works to create a vibrant community of technology enable nonprofits.