March, 2014

By, Courtney Ramey

Have you heard of the Platinum Rule? It is, “Treat others in the way they like to be treated.”

My parents are proud to know that I can still recite the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” but the Platinum Rule offers more advanced guidance. In this short blog post I hope to answer two questions:

  • What is the difference between the Golden Rule and Platinum Rule?
  • How can the Platinum Rule help me with Business Development?

The Golden Rule works well as long as all of the people you interact with want to be treated the same way you do. When it comes to the fundamentals like being treated with respect, the Golden Rule universally applies. However, to really connect with your customers, you have to take this rule to the next level. This is where the Platinum Rule comes in. Your goal should be to get to know your customers well enough to treat them how THEY like to be treated.

For example, think about how you choose to communicate with your customer. I’m a people person so I’m energized by talking, but that does not mean that all of my clients want me to stop by their office each time I need to talk to them. They may prefer a phone call, an email, or something more formal such as a meeting invite with an agenda and a prepared presentation. I have found that as I get to know my clients and consciously think about treating them the way they like to be treated, I build stronger relationships faster, which in turn leads to more business.